Track Student`s Learning
Campus Genix
Start for free, upgrade as you go
School Database & User Management
Student Platform
Learning Management System
Attendance Management
Fee Payment
Notifications (Email, SMS)
Report Card
School ID
School Database & User Management
Student Platform
Parent Platform
Learning Management System
Attendance Management
Fee Payment
Staff Management
Notifications (Email, SMS)
Report Card
School ID
School Management
Student Platform
Parents Platform
Online classes (LMS)
Course Management (LMS)
Assignment Management (LMS)
Attendance Management
Staff Management
Fee Payment
Report Card
School ID
Notice Board
1 Branch
10 Teacher
200 Students
5 monthly classes
30 users in one class
10 courses
10 file upload/course
20 queries/course forum
5 assignment/course
500 SMS/ month
3 /month
4 Branch
50 Teacher
800 Students
Chat with teacher
200 Parents
100 monthly classes
50 users in one class
Call recording
100 courses
50 file upload/course
unlimited queries/course forum
20 assignment/course
1 Guard. 10 visitors
Custom invoice
Invoice to parents
10000 SMS/ month
10000 emails/ month
Custom email & sms template
Custom template
Increase user count as per need
Increase user count as per need
Increase user count. classes as per need
Increase course, file as per need
Increase assignment as per need
Increase guard, visitors as per need
Increase SMS email as per need
Campus Genix
Campus Genix
Campus Genix
Campus Genix
Yes, Campusgenix has a free plan which you can start using today & upgrade later as you grow. Checkout Pricing
Campusgenix is the only platform that makes school or any educational institution management easier. It is suitable for institutions of any size & is flexible as per needs.
You just need to do a signup, and you will be ready. In case of any initial setup help, our team will help you do all the initial setup on the platform at no additional cost.
You only pay for what you use on Campusgenix. If we dont want to use a feature, you can deactivate it & cut down your cost.